Tuesday, 24 November 2015


In the North York auto glass area, there is high chance you will end up with a cracked windshield. Insurance providers are well aware of this as it is their job to provide you with a quote that best suits your living conditions. Whether you are in an accident prone area or not, your insurance company will give you a list of options related to windshield coverage. If your windshield is cracked, or chipped due to flying debris, you will most likely pay for it using your comprehensive coverage. If you are unsure as to whether you have this coverage or not, ask your insurance provider today. If you do not have comprehensive coverage, it is advised by windshield professionals you get it today. Comprehensive coverage is a great thing to have as it pays for damages occurring from animal collisions, storms, flying debris, fires and vandalism. In the North York area, many customers mistake “auto glass coverage” for “windshield” coverage. It is imperative you confirm with your insurance provider exactly what they mean by auto glass coverage. As many industry professionals know, auto glass is also the tempered glassed used on the side and back of your car. Your car insurance provider can indeed cover the damage to side and back windows without covering any windshield damage.
Many North York auto glass residents make the mistake of paying for the windshield repair before they call their insurance provider. Contacting your insurance provider first informs you of two things; what the amount of your deductible is, and what the effect is if you file a claim. Knowing what your deductible is will assist your overall decision. For example, if your windshield will cost you $350 to repair, and you have a $320 deductible, your insurance company will only cover $30. You need to decide whether or not this is worth filing a claim. In the North York and surrounding areas, the more claims you file, the higher your overall insurance charge is monthly. Even if you are not the one who caused the damage – you will be affected. High risk drivers in the Toronto area pay on average, $200 more than everybody else in the area. If you decide to file a claim, make sure your car insurance company will allow you to go anywhere for repairs. If they do not, you may end up with having to pay everything out of pocket even though you have coverage. Some insurance companies have partnered with certain auto glass stores in the North York area. You do not always have the option to go where you please.

Most people are eligible to visit Auto Glass Changers. It is imperative to remember, refrain from filing a claim if your insurance company does not offer you anything towards your repair cost. It is better to pay out of pocket due to the fact that the more claims you have, the higher your monthly payments will be. Many people who do not have comprehensive insurance attempt to repair their windshield themselves. This is not a good idea. Experts in the Auto Glass Changers store are certified crew members who have been trained to repair all types of cracks, or, if the crack cannot be repaired, they know how to replace the windshield. Attempting to replace your windshield yourself could result in more damage. In your attempt to save money, you may end up spending more. Take your car to a trained professional and avoid buying cheap DIY kits that are not reliable. The stress of noticing a crack on your windshield, and then finding out you are not covered, is enough. There is no need to add more damage to the situation. The industry experts at Auto Glass Changers are prepared to answer any questions you may have regarding the steps to take if you do have comprehensive coverage, and if you do not.

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