Wednesday, 20 January 2016


It’s that time year again where it’s very easy to damage your car. Whether it’s you forgetting to change your tires or want switching out your windshield wiper fluid it’s easy to grow in certain parts of your car and even put yourself in danger. It’s important to know when to switch out your windshield wiper blades. Whether it’s because your wiper blades are skipping splitting streaking or even squeaking it might be time to replace your windshield wiper blades. According to many Richmond Hill auto glass workers, it’s even more important to know how to choose which windshield wiper blade is good for you.

Costs Associated with Wiper Blades
Before you decide to change your wiper blades you need to understand why you need to change them. Because the blades are made of rubber it’s natural for them to wear out and become try after several months of use. This could be due to desk rain or even snow on your windshield. Will let you know why you need to change your blades it’s important to consider your options for changing your blades. A lot of people choose to take their car into an auto shop or an auto maintenance garage and have a mechanic change out the rubber blades or the whole wiper blade itself. This can be very heavy on your pockets considering it can cost anywhere from $15-$20 to get the new blade with the added expense of labor costs which is anywhere around $10-$20. It’s very seldom that you hear people by their own wiper blades from chain store or online and install them themselves. Even though statistic show that it’s not very common for a person to install their own wipers it’s an extremely easy process.
Know What To Change
It’s important to know what part of your wiper blade you actually need to change. There are three main parts to your windshield wiper blade. First there’s the actual rubber blade which actually comes in contact with the windshield. Then you have the wiper blade which helps to give the rubber blade structure. And then you have the metal arm which moves the wiper blade across your windshield. Once you determine which part of the windshield wiper blade you need to change you should look at the shape of the blade that comes with your car model. A lot of the newer cars have curved windshields so the blades for the car needs to be curved as well. However, there are some cars with flat windshields that would benefit more from a street wiper blade. When shopping for a new windshield wiper blade in a Richmond Hill auto glass shop, it’s also important to consider the length of your blades that are used on your car’s driver and passenger seat sides. You can measure the length of each of the blades on your own but generally most places that sell windshield wiper blades provide you with a manual to see what size of blades your car would need.

Check the Adapter Options
Once you decide on what kind of windshield wiper you want to get you should also check the adapter options that come with your windshield wiper package. Most wiper blade brands include more than one adapter type within their packaging. They do this because they want their windshield wipers to be able to be compatible with various types of metal arms. You should compare these to the previous adopter on your windshield wiper blade and choose the one that would best fit for your car. 
Consider the Costs
It’s also important to consider the cost of the windshield wiper blade. Different libraries have different costs and The blades can range in price dramatically. Where you have to be doing some comparison between windshield wiper blades. You have to figure out which wiper fits your price range well and is still of good quality for your car. 
Installing Your Wiper Blades
Are you aware of how to install you wiper blades? Our Whitby auto glass team will explain in the next post.

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