Tuesday, 19 January 2016


We have all been there, you wake up in the morning, get ready for work and just as you put the car keys in you feel tightness in your stomach which soon turns into a knot. You see a crack in the window, questions start to race through your mind, how long has it been there? How did it get there? Was it the bratty kids that play street hockey outside the house? Given your busy schedule you really do not have the time to drop the car off at the garage for the day. Unfortunately you cannot get it out of your mind; it catches your eye every time you look at the car. It is like that itch that is just out of reach. Luckily, according to many Richmond Hill auto glass workers, most windshield cracks are easily repairable.

The best possible kit you can have for the job is a bridge kit for windshield repair; it can deal with almost any kind of crack. The kit comes with a metal cleaning probe; you can use it to clear loose dirt and debris from around the crack. Place the bridge suction apparatus on the windshield or window with the injector directly over the crack. Pour in the adhesive that comes with the kit into the injector, the injector has vacuum controls that suck air out of the cracks while forcing the adhesive in. The suction cups force the glass together closing the crack. This kit can be used to deal with most car window and windshield cracks. The only downside of the system is the adhesive supplied with the kit. It only dries in UV light, so you have to undertake the project during the day and preferably on the weekend. The bridge kit itself is available in most auto supply, hardware and large retail outlets. 
If the cracks are too severe you may need to change the entire window. If you drive a high end luxury vehicle, finding the right match is difficult, best thing to do is to go to your dealer. However for everyday models, surf around junkyards to find a suitable replacement. The inner door panel of a car comes off, exposing all the mounting hardware, take the bolts off, replace the window and bolt the new window back on. This method will work for simple roll up windows, electronic windows are a much trickier. The inner workings may differ car to car, so make sure you have a service manual handy so you know how to work with the cars mounting hardware and electronics. 
Windshield replacement should be left to the Richmond Hill auto glass professionals. If it is a simple chip or crack you can deal it with yourself. Make sure to deal with it quick because being a larger piece of glass, temperature change and bumps cause the cracks to expand faster. Large cracks or full on replacements however should be left to the servicemen. Windshields dictate how your airbags function. If it is loosely installed the force of the airbags deploying could force it completely off the frame. Secondly windshield strength is a big part of your personal protection during a crash. If there is a chink in the windshield that compromises its strength it could be a serious factor in a collision.

Side window replacement, small cracks, little chips, can all be dealt with at home. It is a great opportunity to put on your overalls, smear some grease paint on your face and play the role of the handyman. Big safety concerns with the windshield are not a joke and unless you are a certified mechanic take your car to the garage. 
Window Maintenance

Caring for your car is imperative – especially if you would like to prolong its life! The Richmond Hill auto glassworkers would like to teach you a thing or two about maintaining the appearance of your car windows – more specifically, how to remove blemishes, such as scratches. Are you aware of how to effectively do this?

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